Dianne Blick
Keller Wiliams Hometown Partners
כל משרד של Keller Williams® הוא בבעלות עצמאית ומופעל
In my residential real estate practice I work with sellers, first time buyers t seasoned buyers, seniors in transition, investors and everyone between who want a professional to listen carefully to their needs and help them find solutions that work. I've been a Realtor® for 8 years and I've served nearly 300 families in that time. The best praise I've ever received from a client was: “I trust her”. Helping people to make a move in a time frame and with the financial results that they need, makes me happy and drives everything I do!
הפרטים שלי
התמחויות וייעודים
Realtor®, SRES®, MRP, SFR
השתייכות צבאית
Veteran - United States United States Air Force
מרכז השוק
Keller Wiliams Hometown Partners